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Cher-e-s collègues,
La Société d'Activités et de Recherches sur le monde Indien dispose à présent d'un site web.
Si vous voulez adhérer (cotisation annuelle: 15 euros) à la société, ou renouveler votre adhésion ou encore nous faire part des manifestations que vous organisez en rapport avec le sous-continent indien ou des publications y afférentes, n'hésitez pas à contacter le modérateur de l'association à l'adresse ci-dessous:
En comptant sur votre soutien et
Bien cordialement,
Geetha Ganapathy-Doré,
Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité
Présidente de la SARI
26 juin 2013
21 juin 2013
'New Topographies of the Postcolonial'
Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry - 'New Topographies of the Postcolonial'
Dear Colleague,CALL FOR PAPERS
At a time when disciplines are scrambling to keep up with both the accelerations and upheavals of a global informational economy and radical geopolitical shifts away from Euro-American dominance, how might literary postcolonialism be reconfigured? Since the turn of the century, we have witnessed genuine shifts in world literary flows brought on by proliferating information technology and translation networks; by transformed territorial and economic alignments in a post-Soviet era; and by the emergence of multiple war zones and new ethnic and religious conflagrations. Large-scale humanitarian crises wrought by wars and catastrophic climate change have brought new subalterns into our moral economy - asylum seekers, climate refugees, illegal migrants, and even large swathes of the Muslim populace demonized as a consequence of the ghoulish global visibility of fundamentalist versions of political Islam.
A critical response to these developments on the part of postcolonial literary scholars ought not to ignore emergent literary topographies that can no longer be circumscribed by classical postcolonial geographies of Europe and its others. They demand new modes of comparative analysis: conceptual, philological, translational, textual, generic and, broadly, the aesthetic.
Essays may range the spectrum from the transregional to the planetary and include under the rubric of the transregional, literatures from the Middle East, Asian and African influences on Anglophone and Francophone literatures, and literary/linguistic travel among post-plantation economies that bypass a now defunct colonial economy. Contributions from a planetary perspective may include essays on novelization in the era of humanitarian wars, subaltern literary genres of the information age, and literary works on climate change. The essays should be up to 8,000 words long including both notes and bibliography. The deadline for submission of the essay is September 30, 2013.
Please visit: for formatting and other submission information.
Ato Quayson
06 juin 2013
Journée de doctoriales de l' EA 1569, Université Paris 8
La journée annuelle de doctoriales de l'EA 1569, Transferts critiques et dynamiques des savoirs - domaine anglophone, aura lieu le samedi 15 juin, à l'Université Paris 8, bâtiment D, salle D 010.
(Accès :
Matin : 10h-12h30
Heyfa Ounis : "L'Ecriture du genre dans les romans de Jane Austen "
Amel Dhifallah : "The Dickensian Serial Text and Advertising"
Razika Kali : "Le statut des Travellers irlandais en Angleterre depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale : groupe social ou minorité ethnique ?"
Razika Kali : "Le statut des Travellers irlandais en Angleterre depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale : groupe social ou minorité ethnique ?"
Déjeuner sur place
Après-midi : 13h30-17h
Julie Beluau : "Relocating the Novel: the Main Tradition in Indian English Literature?"
Jennifer Randall : "The Madwoman in the Attic: Writing History from the Womb"
Bastaine Yannick Moubamba : "Les Spots publicitaires de Barack Obama : entre photogénie et photopopulisme"
Table-Ronde : "Le parcours du doctorat : questions de forme, questions de fond(s)"
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