20 novembre 2016

Table ronde : Being Human Festival in Paris, 23 novembre 2016

The University of London Institute in Paris and the University of Kent Paris School of Arts and Culture are joining forces to bring the Being Human Festival to Paris with a roundtable event "A Moveable Feast: Being Human in Paris", with Professor Sarah Churchwell, director of the Being Human Festival (School of Advanced Studies).
This evening will be an opportunity to discuss the importance of literature and the Humanities in the wake of the attacks in Paris one year ago. After these events which turned spaces of festivity into targets for acts of terror, people laid copies of Hemingway’s Moveable Feast on the improvised shrines dotted around the areas affected. The title in French - Paris est une fête – stood out as a defiant refusal of the terror that had been unleashed on the city. What does this turn to literature, and to a text written by an American about the expatriate community in the Années Folles of the interwar era, tell us about why literature remains a vital response to violent ideologies?

14 novembre 2016

Colloque international "La théorie critique et le Sud global" : 17-18 nov. 2016

Colloque international / International conference 
La Théorie Critique et le Sud global : perspectives contemporaines
Critical Theory and the Global South: contemporary perspectives

 Jeudi 17 novembre 2016, Columbia Global Center – Reid Hall, salle 315, 4 rue de Chevreuse, 75006 Paris
Quelle autonomie scientifique des « Suds » ?

16h30 : Table-ronde introductive en partenariat avec le séminaire « Généalogies du Mondial »TransCrit – EA 1569 – Université Paris 8
Maria-Benedita Basto – Université Paris Sorbonne, François Cusset  – Université Paris Nanterre, Claire Joubert – Université Paris 8, Matthieu Renault – Université Paris 8,Clemens Zobel – Université Paris 8
18h30 : Pot / Drinks

Vendredi 18 novembre 2016, Université Paris Nanterre, salle 2, Rdc, Bâtiment W « Max Weber »
Re-conceptualizing Modernity. Counter-hegemonic perspectives from the postcolonial world.

9h : Accueil des participants / Welcoming remarks
9h30 : Shalini Randeria Institute for Human Sciences, Wien – Austria
« Entangled Modernities and Academic Knowledge Production »
10h30 : Gurminder K. Bhambra University of Warwick, Coventry – United Kingdom
« Modernity, Multiple Modernities, and the Difference 'Others' Make »
11h30 : Pause / Coffee break
12h : Fernando Resende Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói – Brazil
« Narrative territoriality and North/South relations:
power disputes and knowledge production »
15h : Leyla Dakhli Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin – Germany
« Youth, Spring, Democracy? Wording the revolutions of our times »
16h : Pause / Coffee break
16h30 : Panel conclusif / Conclusive roundtable
« Modernities and Globalisation in Latin America »
 Intervenants / Speakers : 
Sergio Costa Freie Universität Berlin – Germany
« The Research on Modernity in Latin America: Lineages and Dilemmas »
Geoffrey Pleyers Université Catholique de Louvain – Belgium
« The new Meanings of "Global".
How Environmental Movements have shaped the "global" in the early 21st Century »
Discutant / Moderator : Stéphane Dufoix Université Paris Nanterre
18h30 : Pot de clôture / Drinks

Co-organisé et financé par / Co-organized and financed by :
Centre de Recherches Anglophones EA 370 – Université Paris Nanterre
Laboratoire SOPHIAPOL EA 3932 – Université Paris Nanterre
Transferts critiques anglophones EA 1569 – Université Paris 8

Comité scientifique / Scientific committee :
François Cusset CREA – Université Paris Nanterre
Stéphane Dufoix SOPHIAPOL – Université Paris Nanterre
Claire Joubert TransCrit– Université Paris 8
Simon Tabet CREA & SOPHIAPOL – Université Paris Nanterre.