02 avril 2011

Colloque : Future Postcolonialisms (mai 2011)

transmis par Chantal Zabus :

Dans la foulée du vingtième anniversaire de la publication du livre The Empire Writes Back, nous organisons un colloque international :

Future Postcolonialisms: Comparing, Converting, Queering, Greening/Le postcolonial-en-devenir

les vendredi et samedi 27 et 28 mai 2011, Metro: Monge or/ou Luxembourg, Bus: 21, 27, 89

INSCRIPTIONS/ REGISTRATION: http://coad.perso.sfr.fr/postcolonialisms.html

Amphithéâtre Rataud, Ecole Normale Supérieure, 45, rue d’Ulm, Paris

Conveners/ Organisateurs: Chantal ZABUS, IUF [Institut universitaire de France] Chair of Comparative Postcolonial Literatures and Gender Studies, CREF/G – EA 4400 – UParis3-Sorbonne Nouvelle; & Dominique COMBE, Théorie de la littérature, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris; CREF/G-EA4400-UParis3-Sorbonne Nouvelle


Le vendredi 27 mai 2011:
9:00: Registration open/ inscriptions
9:30: Keynote Address: Bill ASHCROFT, Gareth GRIFFITHS, & Helen TIFFIN: “On The Empire Writes Back and Beyond”
9 :45 Comparing : Etat des lieux sur le Postcolonial en France
Dominique COMBE (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris): “Etudes francophones et théorie postcoloniale”; Jean-Marc MOURA (UParis Ouest-La Défense): “Les études postcoloniales de l’aire francophone—entre France, francophonie, et monde”; Xavier Garnier (UParis3-Sorbonne Nouvelle): “Ecrire avec l’Apocalypse: littératures posctoloniales au Congo”

11:00: Pause-café
11:30 - Greening: Ecocritique postcoloniale
Graham HUGGAN (ULeeds, U.K.): “Attenborough, Colonialism, and the British Tradition of Nature Documentary”; Cheryl Stobie (UKwaZulu Natal, South Africa): “Dystopian Dreams from South Africa: Lauren Beukes’s Moxyland and Zoo City”; Ferial GHAZOUL (American University Cairo, Egypt): “Greening in Contemporary Arabic Literature: the Transformation of Mythic Motifs in Postcolonial Discourse”

13:00 LUNCH/ Repas de midi
15:00 : Queering and Browning : Nouvelles sexualités dissidentes
John HAWLEY (Santa Clara University, California, USA): “Late to the (Political) Party: Who’s Gay when Everyone’s Queer?” ; William J. SPURLIN (Brunel University, London, U.K.): “Postcolonially Queer: Comparative Approaches to Cultural Representations of Same-Sex Desires in the Maghreb and Southern Africa”;

15:45 Pause-café/ Coffee Break
16:00 : Janet WILSON (Northampton U, U.K.): “Gender and Travel: New Zealand Women Writers in the U.K.: Mansfield, Frame, Adcock”; Joan HAMBIDGE (University of Cape Town, South Africa): “Writing Queer in South Africa: Poetry Versus Identity.”

Le samedi 28 mai 2011
10:00 Registration open/ inscriptions
10 :30 : Converting : Religion et identités
Gareth GRIFFITHS (University of Western Australia): “Transacting Identity: Religion and Identity in Postcolonial Spaces”; Srilata RAVI (University of Alberta, Canada): “Island Hinduism: Religion and Modernity in Francophone Indian Ocean Literature”; Klaus STIERSTORFER (University of Muenster, Germany): “Fundamentalism and the Postcolonial: Limitation or Creative Stimulus?”

12:00 LUNCH/ Repas de midi
14:00 : Le postcolonial-en-devenir : Futures
Helen TIFFIN (UWollongong, Australia): “What is Indigeneity?” ; Mike HILL (State University of New York at Albany, USA): “Ecologies of War: Dispatches from the Aerial Empire”; Bill ASHCROFT (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia): “Future Thinking: Postcolonial Utopianism”.

16:00 : Clôture

Contact: czabus@hotmail.com; dominique.combe@ens.fr
Webmaster David COAD at http://coad.perso.sfr.fr/postcolonialisms.html
Chantal Zabus
IUF Chair of Comparative Postcolonial Literatures and Gender Studies
Institut universitaire de France- http://iuf.amue.fr/author/czabus/
UParis XIII & UParis III-Sorbonne Nouvelle-EA4400

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