02 février 2016

Séminaire Littérature et cosmopolitisme - Francesca Orsini, 5 février 2016

je relaye :
Chers collègues,

pour la prochaine séance du séminaire "Littérature et cosmopolitisme" http://www.thalim.cnrs.fr/seminaires-et-formations/article/litterature-et-cosmopolitisme,nous aurons le plaisir d'entendre Francesca Orsini (Professor of Hindi and South Asian Literatures, SOAS, University of London), qui nous parlera du sujet suivant :
"Significant geographies" in lieu of "world" literature – it's not just about the cosmopolitans

Current conceptualisations of world literature, based on a centre-peripheries world system model or on circulation, assume that there is, now, one world literature. Alternative conceptualizations of “planetary” or “global” literature may question its supposed unity or emphasise technologies of circulation and exclusion, but an implicit hierarchy is nonetheless set in place that ends up making nine tenths of the world, and of literature produced in the world, drop off the map or appear hopelessly “peripheral ”, while valorising the transnational and the cosmopolitan. In developing a “bottom-up” and multilingual approach to world literature that takes the local seriously, in lieu of a generic “world” or “global” elsewhere, to which only very few ever have access, I propose “significant geographies” as a more modest and accurate concept that stimulates us to think imaginatively and productively about literature in the world. By “significant geographies” I mean both imaginative and conceptual geographies within texts and genres as well as the networks along which texts and genres circulate. In multilingual literary cultures such “significant geographies” are always multiple and only partly overlap. In exploring them we can trace actual processes of transmission, translation, appropriation, and elaboration, as well as inclusion and exclusion, and avoid hubristic claims to “world literature.” My examples will come from my current work on the multilingual literary history of early modern North India, drawing from a number of texts and genres in Hindi, Urdu, Persian and English.

Francesca Orsini is Professor of Hindi and South Asian Literature at SOAS. Her research interests span modern and contemporary Hindi literature; popular literature in Hindi and Urdu; women writers and women's journals; book history and nineteenth-century commercial publishing in Hindi and Urdu and the multilingual history of literature in early modern North India. Her publications include: The Hindi Public Sphere 1920-1940: Language and Literature in the Age of Nationalism, OUP Delhi 2002, Love in South Asia (CUP 2006), Print and Pleasure: Popular literature and entertaining fictions in colonial North India, 2009 ;Before the Divide: Hindi and Urdu literary cultures (2010), After Timur Left: Cultural production and circulation in fifteenth-century North India (2014, with Samira Sheikh). She has newly embarked on an ERC-funded project on "Multilingual locals and significant geographies: for a bottom-up approach to world literature" which explores and compares the modern literary cultures of north India, Maghreb, and the Horn of Africa (with Karima Laachir and Sara Marzagora)

Cette conférence aura lieu le vendredi 5 février 2016, de 14h à 16h, à l'ENS, 45 rue d'Ulm, en salle Henri Cartan. Nous attirons votre attention sur le fait qu'il y a un changement de salle par rapport au programme général du séminaire diffusé en début d'année. Pour accéder à la salle Henri Cartan, tournez à droite juste après l'accueil en direction du Pavillon Pasteur, puis à gauche en empruntant l'allée bordée d'arbres. Lorsque vous arrivez au bout de cette allée, vous tombez sur "l'aile Rataud": la salle Henri Cartan se trouve au niveau -2, passage rouge.
Bien cordialement,
Laetitia Zecchini

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