(Bibliographie présentée par Ghizlane Saadaoui.)
MLA - Beer, Gillian.
Virginia Woolf: The Common Ground. Ann Arbor , MI : U of Michigan , 1996. [Mla/ Isbn: 9780472084630/ num d’accs: 1997067656]
- Berman, Jessica (ed. And introd.); Goldman, Jane (ed. And introd);
Virginia Woolf Out of Bounds: Selected Papers from the Tenth Annual Conference on Virginia Woolf. New York , NY : Pace Up; 2001. Article: "The Body Unbound: A Phenomenological Reading of the Political in
A Room of One’s Own". [Mla, Isbn: 9780944473559/ Num d’accs: 2002872040].
- Bowers, Bege K. (ed.); Brothers, Barbara (ed.);
Reading and Writing Women’s Lives: A Study of the Novel of Manners. Ann Arbor : Univ. Microfilms Internat. Research P; 1990. Article: “ ‘I’ rejected, ‘We’ Substituted”: Self and Society in
Between the Acts". Auteur: Hussey, Mark [Mla, num d’accs: 1990026137]
- Connolly, Paul (introd.);
Re: Reading , Re: Writing, Re: Teaching Virginia Woolf. New York, NY: Pace Up; 1995. [Mla: num d’accs: 1997068696]
- Dusinberre, Juliet.
Virginia Woolf’s Renaissance: Woman Redaer or Common Reader?. Iowa City , IA : U of Iowa , 1997. [Mla, Isbn: 9780877455769/ num d’accs: 1997067742]
- Higonnet, Margaret R. (ed.);
Borderwork: Feminist Engagements with Comparative Literature. Ithaca : Cornell UP; 1994. Article: "Identity Politics As a Comparative Poetics". Auteur: Gaard, Greta. [Mla, Isbn: 9780801428692/ num d’accs: 1994032327]
- Khavari, Cheryl Akhtar.
Thinking in Common: Virginia Woolf and Other Women Writers of the First World War. DAI. 1990 Nov. [Mla, num d’accs: 1990050880]
Ginsberg, Elaine K. (ed.); Gottlieb, Laura Moss (ed.); Trautmann, Joanne (introd.);
Virginia Woolf Centennial Essays. Troy , NY : Whitston; 1983. Article: "A Common Sitting Room: Virginia Woolf Critique of Women Writers". Auteur: Klein, Kathleen Gregory [ Mla, num d’accs: 1984025474]
- Nelson, Nancy Owen (ed.); Tompkins, Jane (fwd.);
Private Voices, Public Lives: Women speak on the literary Life. Denton : U of North Texas P, 1995. Article: "Literary Criticism with a Human Face: Virginia Woolf and the Common Reader." [Mla, Isbn: 9780929398884/ num d’accs: 1995060935]
- Rosenberg, Beth Carol (ed.); Dubino, Jeanne (ed.);
Virginia Woolf and the Essay. New York , NY : St. Martin’s, 1998. Article: "Entering Woolf’s Renaissance Imaginary: A Second Look at The Second
Common Reader" by Green, Sally. [Mla: Isbn: 9780312172336/ num d’accs: 1998059729]
-Wussom, Helen (ed.),
New Essays On Virginia Woolf. Dallas : Contemporary Research, 1995. Article: "Reading Beyond the Subject: Virginia Woolf’s Constructions of Community", by Berman Jessica. [Mla, Isbn: 9780935061772/ num d’accs: 1996067760]
PERSEE-E. M. Forster, H. Walpole, F. Birrell, R. Mortimer,
Le Cercle de Virginia, présenté par Cécile Wajsbrot, traduit de l’anglais par Béatrice Vierne, éditions Arléa, 1996.
-Jarrety, michel.
La poétique, Paris: que sais je, 2003. Michel Jarrety, La Poétique, Puf, coll."Que sais-je?", 2002.
JSTOR- Abboh, H. Porter. "Character and Modernism: reading Wollf writing Woolf",
New Literary History, vol.24, n2, Reconsiderations (spring, 1993), pp.393-405.
- Canoll, Berenice A. "To crush him in our own country, the political thought of Virginia Woolf." Berenice A. Canoll Feminist Studies, vol.4, N:1 (feb., 1978) pp.99-132
- Dusinberre, Juliet.
Virginia Woolf‘s Renaissance: Woman Reader or Common Reader? Iowa city: University of Iowa Press, 1997.
- Flint, Kate. "Reading Uncommonly: Virginia Woolf and the Practice of Reading" (
The Year Book of English Studies, vol.26), published by Maney Publishing on behalf of Modern Humanities Research Association.
- Goldman, Mark. "Virginia Woolf and the critic as reader",
Pmla, vol. 80, n3 (juin 1965), pp.275-284 published by Modern Language association.
- Hynes, Samuel. "The Whole contention between Mr Bennet and Mrs Woolf",
A Forum of Fiction, vol.1, n1 (autumn 1967), pp.34-44. Published by Novel Corp., Brown university.
- Lodge, David.
Modern Criticism and Theory : A Reader, London and New York: Longman 1988. (article: "The Reading Process: A Phenomenological Approach")
- Surry, Tara. “‘Over the Boundary’: Virginia Woolf as Common Seer.”
Woolfian Boundaries. Ed. Anna Burrells et al. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. 157-64.
-Anderson, Benedicte.
Imagined Communities : Reflections on The origin and Spread of Nationalism, London: Rev.ed, 1991. (catalogue general)
-Bhabha, Homi K.
The Location of Culture, London, New York: Routledge, 1994.(catalogue general)
-Bhabha, Homi K.
Nation and Narration, London, New York: Routledge, 1990. (catalogue general)
.-Banfield, Ann. “Remembrance and Tense Past.”
The Cambridge Companion to the Modernist Novel. Ed. Morag Shiach. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007.
-Bernard Bergonzi,
Exploding English : Criticism, Theory, Culture, Oxford University Press: 1991.
-Bradbury, Malcolm ed.,
The Novel Today, Fontana, 1990.
-Bonnerot, Luce; Gallix, François, ed.
Le roman britannique du XXè siècle. Numéro spécial
Etudes Anglaises, mai 1997.
-Combe Dominique,
Les Genres littéraires, Hachette, coll. « Contours littéraires », 1992.
-Cuddy Keanne, Melba,
Woolf Virginia , The Intellectual and the Public Sphere. Cambridge , England : Cambridge Up, 2003. [MLA]
-Dargherty, Beth Rigel, How Should One Read a Book. Woolf Studies Annual, 1998. [article MLA]
-Fleishman, Avron.
Virginia Woolf: A Critical Reading . Baltimore : Johns Hopking Up, 1975. [Book, Mla]
-Friedman, Susan Stanford. "Virginia Woolf’s Pedagogical Scenes of Reading:
The Voyage Out,
The Common Reader, and Her “Common Readers’”.
MFS 1992 Spring. [Mla, Issn: 00267724/ num d’accs: 1992025876]
-Fromilhague Catherine, Sancier Anne,
Introduction à l’analyse stylistique, Bordas, 1991.
-Gallix, François.
Le roman britannique du XXè siècle: Modernistes et postmodernes. Paris : Masson, 1995.
-Hummel, Madeline M. "From the Common Reader to the Uncommon Critic:
Three Guineas and the Epistolary Form.
Bulletin of the New York Public Library. NY 1977. [Mla, Issn: 0028-7466/ num d’accs: 1977107054]
-Guillory, John.
Cultural Capital: The problem of Literary Canon Formation. University of Chicago Press:1993.
-Jouve Vincent,
La Lecture, Hachette Supérieur, coll. « Contours littéraires », 1993
-Joseph Sutherland,
Popular Reading and Publishing in Britain 1914-1950. Oxford University Press, 1992.
-Lodge, David.
The Modes of Modern Writing. London : Ed. Arnold, 1977.
-Louvel, Liliane, Claudine Verley.
Introduction à l’étude de la nouvelle, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 1995.
-Mc Vicker, Jeanette (ed.); Davis, Laura (ed.); Johnston, Georgia (introd.).
Virginia Woolf and Communities. New York , NY : Pace Up, 1999 [Mla, num d’accs: 1999054590]
-Meschonnic, Henri.
Les états de la poétique, Paris : Presses Universitaire de France, 1985.
-Morris Dickstein,
Double Agent: The Critic and Society . Oxford University Press:1992.
-Planté Christine (dir.), « Introduction »,
Femmes poètes du XIXe siècle. Une anthologie, PU de Lyon, 1998.
-Rose, Jonathan.
The Intellectual Life of The British Working Classes, Yale University Press.
-Queneau Raymond (dir.),
Histoire des littératures, Gallimard, coll. « Encyclopédie de la Pléiade »
-Remy Michel,
Histoire de la littérature anglaise , Ellipse, 2005
-Rosenberg, Beth Carole.
Virginia Woolf and Samuel Johnson: Common Readers. New York : St. Martin ’s, 1995 [Mla, Isbn: 9780312107413/ num d’accs: 1995065641].
-Sartre Jean-Paul,
Qu’est-ce que la littérature [1948], Gallimard, coll. « Folio Essais », 1999.
-Waller, Philip,
Writers, Readers, And Reputations : Literary Life In Britain 1870-1919,
Oxford University Press: 2006.
-Willim Empson,
Argfying: Essays on literature and Culture, (ed.) John Haffenden . Hogarth: 1988.
-Article: Stefan Collini, "Virginia Woolf, and the Question of Intellectuals in Britain". Auteur: Caine, Barbara,
Journal of The History of Ideas (JHI) 2007 July; 68 (3): 369-73. [Mla, Issn: 0022-5037.]
-Article: "On Being a Common Reader" by Barton, Anne Ryan;
Virginia Woolf Miscellany, 2003 spring; 62: 3-4 [Mla, Issn: 0736-251/ num d’accs: 2007582654]
-Blanchot, Maurice,
La Communauté inavouable, Paris : Les Editions de Minuit, 1983.
Chénier, André, Poésie et politique / Jean M. Goulemot, Jean-Jacques Tatin-Gourier, Paris:
Minerve, 2005 (Sudoc)
-Jarrety, Michel,
La Poétique, PUF (coll. « Que sais-je ? »), 2003.
-Kosugi, Sei, “Representing Nation and Nature: Woolf, Kelly, White.”
Locating Woolf: The
Politics of Space and Place. Ed. Anna Snaith and Michael Whitworth. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. 81-98.
-Meschonnic, Henri,
Politique du rythme, politique du sujet, Lagrasse: Verdier, 1995 (Sudoc)
-Rancière, Jacques,
Politique de la littérature, Paris : Galilée, 2007 (Sudoc)
-Suhamy, Henri,
La Poétique, PUF (coll. « Que sais-je ? »), 1986
-Tidwell, Joanne Campbell.
Politics and Aesthetics in the Diary of Virginia Woolf. London:
Routledge, 2007.
Ecritures de la folie : James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, William Faulkner / Daniel Ferrer (1987) (thèse)
Mouadi, Fatiha,
Writing the self in "Moments of being", unpublished autobiographical writings of Virginia Woolf / Fatiha Mouadi ; sous la dir. de Claire Joubert (2002) (mémoire)
Niel, David,
L'angoisse de mort dans "L'usage de la parole", "Tu ne t'aimes pas" et "Ici" de Nathalie Sarraute et dans "The waves" de Virginia Woolf / David Niel ; sous la dir. de Tiphaine Samoyault (mémoire)
Segade, Marcela,
A work in progress : intertextual and paratextual transformation in Virginia Woolf's "Orlando" / Marcela Segade ; sous la dir. de Claire Joubert (mémoire)
THESES EN FRANCE : 2000-2007
Marie, Caroline.
Virginia Woolf : le roman du spectacle / s.n. / 2003
Reviron, Floriane .
Virginia Woolf et Lytton Strachey ou la révolution biographique./ [s.n.] / 2000
Marsaleix, Nadège.
L'inscription du genre dans l'oeuvre de fiction de Virginia Woolf [Texte imprimé] (1971-....) / [s.n.] / 2001
Nathalie Pavec.
Dynamiques du jeu dans l'oeuvre romanesque de Virginia Woolf [Texte imprimé] / ; directeur de thèse Hubert Teyssandier. 2005
Philips, Aileen.
Actes poétiques : le jeu de la loi dans la genèse de l'écriture et du sujet chez Virginia Woolf. / [s.n.] / 2000
Crapoulet, Emilie.
Musical forms and aesthetics in the works of Virginia Woolf [Texte imprimé] / [s.n.] / 2007
Ducros, Geneviève.
Les figures du Baroque dans l'oeuvre romanesque de Virginia Woolf [Texte imprimé] / [s. n] / 2003
Amselle, Frédérique.
Virginia Woolf et les écritures du moi : le journal et l'autobiographie / [s.n.] / 2005
Le Bail, Anne-Sophie. Poétique
et épistémologie de la sensation dans les nouvelles de Virginia Woolf / [s.n.] / 2005
Zahanagiu-Girard, Elena-Monica.
De " Melymbrosia " (1908) à " The Voyage Out " (1915) : l'invention allotropique du projet woolfien d'écriture (/ [s.n.] / 2003
Woolf’s major works and biographical landmarks
1915. Purchase of Hogarth House, Richmond.
The Voyage Out published and well received.
1917. L and VW buy hand printing machine and establish the Hogarth Press. First publication
Monday or Tuesday.
1917. Two Stories: "The Mark on the Wall" by VW and "A Story" by Leonard Woolf.
1919. Purchase of Monk's House, Rodmell.
Night and Day published.
The Mark on the Wall published.
Monday or Tuesday (7 April 1921; U.S. pub. Harcourt Brace, Nov. 1921) – stories includes "Kew Gardens," "The Mark on the Wall," "An Unwritten Novel" and five previously unpublished sketches
Jacob's Room published.
1924 . "Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown"
The Common Reader [essays] and
Mrs Dalloway published.
1925. "Modern Fiction"
To the Lighthouse published.
Orlando published
A Room of One's Own published
The Waves - a novel composed of the thoughts of six characters which takes VW's literary experimentation to its natural limits.
1932. Death of Lytton Strachey. Begins 'The Partigers' which was to become
The Years.
1932. The Common Reader (Second Series)
1932: "A Letter to a Young Poet" and
The Common Reader: Second Series published.
1934. Death of Roger Fry. Rewrites The Years.
Three Guineas extends the feminist critique of patriarchy, and militarism.
1940. Biography of Roger Fry published. London homes damaged or destroyed in blitz.
1941. VW completes
Between the Acts, her last novel.]
The Death of the Moth and Other Essays (published after her death)
The Moment and Other Essays (Edited Bu her husband)
The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays1953.
A Writer’s Diary.The selections were prepared by her husband, Leonard Woolf.
Virginia Woolf and Lytton Strachey:
Letters (Edited by Leonard Woolf and James Strachey)
Site internet:
International Virginia Woolf Society Bibliography of Woolf Studies published in 2007: http://www.utoronto.ca/IVWS/